
Sydnie Wells Is Officially GROUNDED For Two Weeks And Has To Give Up Her Phone (If She Complains I’ll Make It Three I Swear To God)

A few weeks ago me and the podfathers gang had a croc off. Right in our alley. Dads love crocs. I mean look at Large’s smile. He’s over the moon with his crocs, his flare, his chains. He’s happier than he’s ever been including when he got urinals installed in his house. That’s a big fucking deal.

And then our bouncing baby boy Clem showed off his magic.

Baby yoda on them joints? Swish. 

I have some too. Obviously fire. Imagine me at the grill and being so comfy with game day grub on the table and on my feet. Incredible 

But, despite the fact that we were the early bird, we didn’t get the worm. Sydnie did. Congrats or whatever. Probably why she’s good at Fishin, tho.  She’ll just sneak in your boat and take your crocs, trout, and dignity. 

Anyway, get some crocs from Sydnie and not your favorite dads. All of her stuff is great. It’s bullshit. I’m jealous. Wish I could ground her. I might. I gotta talk it over with my wife.

Update: I’ve been informed by HR that I surprisingly do not have the authority to ground Sydnie so I will just say that I’m not mad at her or crocs. I’m just disappointed (bc I want crocs). 

Guest Blogger's Note From Clem: Listen to this week's Podfathers episode below!
