
It's Blatantly Obvious That Coach Quenneville & Barstool Chicago Is A Match Made In Heaven

I know we spend a lot of time promoting ourselves around here and that’s because it’s part of the job. The internet’s a busy place and you have to make some noise. Philosophically the tree doesn’t even exist much less make a sound if nobody hears it. Same goes for our content, or something like that. Just work with me here. 

Point is this goes above and beyond promotion. Yeah of course I want you guys to go listen to the interview and download our podcasts and all that shit. Obviously go buy some merch and support the cause. But higher level this is one of those moments that really makes you sit back and question life. Did Coach Q really sit down and open up with Chief and Eddie about getting let go from the Blackhawks? Did they seriously play 18 holes and buddy up all weekend? Is that a family owned New England bed & breakfast? 

Everything about this setting is just so nice to me. Coach Q is on the Mt. Rushmore of both Chicago and NHL coaches. He’s a legitimate living legend in every sense of the phrase. Beloved beyond words and here he is this offseason sitting down to catch up with Chief and Eddie. Really powerful stuff from all angles. 

Personally it’s just wild to me this happened. I remember not too long ago RLR was just a couple guys in an insurance closet trying not to kill each other. Nobody needs a history lesson to know it’s come a long way. And even so I never thought it would get to the point where’d be able to have this kind of sit down with Coach Q. Thanks to everyone who has supported us going back 5 seasons now.

For more about his nephew’s charity foundation: CLICK HERE... it focuses on empowering and helping young adults in areas of substance abuse and mental health. Please don't hesitate to get involved if that speaks to you. 

And for more on the golf event, check out our latest stool scenes. Just don’t show it to the Fore Play guys. I don’t want them nervous about the Barstool Chicago scramble wagon.