One Mascot Eating It And A Photo Finish Is Why The World Needs More Mascot Races
Sign me the fuck up for more of this. I'm talking make it a whole sport. Imagine mascot races during a weekday at Saratoga or Keeneland? If we can have steeplechase races, we can surely have mascot races. This one over in England has it all from a guy eating it to a photo finish. Maybe I'm just burnt out from seeing NFL cuts and Bishop Sycamore scamming people but I found this fucking hilarious. I will always laugh at someone just eating it during a race at any age. That's especially true when a human is dressed as a mascot and you can see them starting to lose it. The stumble, the arms out to try and gain composure only to fall flat down. Credit to the bear thing at the 4 second mark too. He almost goes down, puts his bear head back on straight and keeps on trucking. Great call too with 'we got a faller in the back.' British people always make announcing hilarious, I don't care.
I'll give credit to these mascots though. Running in a mascot outfit has to SUCK. I said it before but I had to be Vermont's mascot for one game when I was an intern. I never want to be inside of something like that again. It's hot as balls in those things even with a little fan they put in there. The head is way too heavy and you are never comfortable. All heart by the mascot to finish the race though. Zero quit in that guy.
Incredible finish with the photo finish. Give me more mascot races. Set up an entire tour and standings and everything. I don't know why but I always pictured Scratch from Kentucky being fast. I'd like his chances.