A Former Bishop Sycamore Player Talked About All The Shit The 'Program' Pulled Including Allegedly Having To ROB Stores In Order To Eat
[Complex] - Not to mention, the school was previously known as COF Academy before getting shut down in 2018. Aaron Boyd, who claims to be the first ever player recruited by Bishop Sycamore, has been exposing the dark secrets of Bishop Sycamore ever since he left.
“Everybody that knows me already knows this,” Boyd told Complex. “It’s just the fact now it’s on a greater scale, I have to say something.”
We need a 30-for-30 on this and we need it right away. I was waiting to see when a former player would open up more about this 'program' and I use that term lightly. Here we have Aaron Boyd being interviewed by Complex and it's a WILD ride. Obviously it starts with that above saying Bishop Sycamore used to be COF Academy. I quickly googled that and here's a story that came up (h/t ThisWeekNews)
Roy Johnson, the self-described “face” of the program and its leader, went public in July, mere weeks before the football season was set to begin.
He said the school was a private online Christian school tied to the Third District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.
The plan, he said, was to use a powerhouse football program to give underprivileged and low-income students a shot at higher education.
The school also was going to build a massive campus on 7 acres in northeast Columbus near Easton Town Center, Johnson said
By the middle of September, just four games into their schedule, word got out AME Church officials had denied they were associated with the program
So that goes in line with what we saw on message boards yesterday and some other stories. Basically a con artist at work here and it shows with what Boyd was saying.
They told us we was gonna be on Netflix, they recruited us telling us we were gonna be on a show. They told us we’re gonna be the IMG of the midwest. They lied to me and my mama.
Feel like that's what all these bullshit programs pop up and try to do. They try to recruit just to build a football program and get money from some sort of sponsor. The difference is IMG Academy has been around forever and has a long line of big time players go there. They also win. Yeah it's not a 'real school' but they are at least successful with what they do. Bishop Sycamore? Completely different. So different to the point that Boyd said players had to ROB stores in order to eat.
For the last month and a half, we had about 35 players. We moved into these new houses. For that month and a half, we was all sleeping on the floor. We had to go rob Meijers, Krogers, Walmart because that’s the only way we can eat.
Let me say basically what everyone is probably thinking. What the fuck? We're talking about kids here. Yeah you shouldn't rob places, pretty basic idea there. But we're talking about kids who were put into a house that had to sleep on the floor and had nothing to eat. Again, not shocking considering they are dealing with a con artist who had an arrest warrant out for him.
I saw that there allegedly was an arrest warrant for fraud charges, so that’s accurate to you?
Yea that’s accurate. I didn’t know what the warrant was for but if it’s for writing bounced checks that’s accurate. This man scammed a whole church. We had funding from a church, that’s how we were doing everything from the beginning.
This story keeps getting weirder each passing day. People are starting to come out and tell more stories. I have no idea how Bishop Sycamore keeps playing going forward. They have games against powerhouses across the country and I don't know how teams can agree to play this knowing they are dealing with this sort of shit. I can't think of a story as wild as this in a long time. From conning ESPN to all the backstory it's just wild. No other way to put it.
PS: The fact they are just tweeting through it shows how little they care about it all.