
WILD Brawl Video From Chicago's State Street On Saturday Night

Giphy Images.

What the fuck is going on around here?

This was this past Saturday night on one of the busiest blocks in Chicago, the third-largest city in the United States. 

It's the straight-up Wild Wild West, and not in a Will Smith & Sisqo kind of way

River North is maybe second in terms of tourist destinations in the city to Michigan Ave and the Gold Coast. But to put it in perspective, this is steps away from Michigan Ave, and a couple blocks from the Gold Coast.

If you're from Chicago you know that this stretch of Hubbard/State/Kinzie in River North has turned into an absolute cesspool over the past couple of years. That 711 on the corner is ground zero. It's like the house in a video game that zombies continue to endlessly respawn and come out of. You kill 2 and 10 more come out. 

From the looks of this video the first fella looked to be one of the regulars from the corner who got in a spat with one of his cronies. 

The second guy looked to be caught up in one of the worst circumstances of "wrong place wrong time" these eyes have ever seen. What a nightmare.

Crazy scene from one of America's once greatest cities. 

But slow responses are the new normal under strategies deployed by CPD Supt. David Brown, whose master plan has stripped local police districts of officers. The 18th District, which includes River North, currently has just 351 cops assigned to work its streets, according to Chicago’s Office of the Inspector General. That’s the fewest number of officers since November 2017, and it’s 15% lower than the 416 cops who worked there when Brown took command of the department in April 2020.

At least the alderman's favorite spot and buddies' places have their street blocked off for patio seating in the street all summer around the corner from here.