
You Should Be Rooting for Chef Donny Tonight.

To truly understand the story of Chef Donny you have to hear the story of Andrew Enriquez, a modern-day renaissance man. I have been in Donny's fight camp for the past couple of weeks, (Sparred and drilled with him a couple of times it has been hard to get to the gym while balancing disciplining Ben Mintz and work), and this guy trains like a mad man. Donny and I are both close in age and when I got back at Barstool I thought it would be a great colleague to work with or try to create content with. Getting to know Donny I was super impressed with his story, how he got to Barstool, how he started cooking, and more about him. 

See unlike a lot of guys my age nowadays, Donny has fuckin balls. The guy dropped out of college to travel the world with a little change in his pocket. He perfected his craft by cooking in youth hostels for room and board. He bet on himself, and made money offering his cooking services. I don’t know much about the culinary industry but that sounds like the grittiest way to refine your skills, if he didn't cook well he didn't have a place to sleep or eat. 

That's how he originally even got into fighting, if you fought in this bar in Thailand you got free drinks for the night. 

One day Donny might be a top chef at some Michelin 5 star restaurant and I made a deal with him that if I help him train for this fight he would let me eat free at his restaurant in the future.

I legitimately like to watch Donny videos before lunch to give me an appetite. I'll make a bet with you if you go to his youtube channel right now and get hungry after seeing the thumbnails you need to right now. If you don’t you are lying.

The guy met Donny Does in South Korea, offered to work his ass off for an opportunity, and is about to go and make the company proud tonight. That kind of mentality is a fighting mentality, stuff you can't teach. I wouldn't want to be QCP tonight. One guy claims to be a chef from cooking pasta on tik tok, the other cooked his way across some of the most war-torn parts of Asia to survive. I guarantee this fight will be the fight of the night. That's coming from someone who has been hit in the face by Donny. 

He is literally going to put to bed the debate who really is the fraud Chef.