No Risk, No Reward: Big Brother 23 Week 7 Power Rankings
Oh no, Derek X.! The frontrunner for America's Favorite Player passed up an opportunity to play for safety in the High Roller's Room earlier this week, and it ended up costing him the entire game. At the time, he wasn't aware that he was the backdoor target, and by the time he did, it was too late. My favorite houseguest was sent packing and is juror No. 2. We are down to just nine players left in the house, and things should (hopefully) start to get interesting soon, too. Here is what went down this week, with another edition of power rankings that follows:
Head of Household (HOH): Sarah Beth
Pre-Veto Nominees: Claire and Derek F. (replaced with Xavier via Roulette)
Veto Winner: Xavier
Post-Veto Nominees: Claire and Derek X.
Evicted: Derek X. (5-2 vote)
9. Sarah Beth (Last week: 7) - Did she get out her backdoor target successfully? Yes. But is her longterm game in a good spot? Absolutely not. With Tiffany as HOH, I'd expect to see SB on the block this week.
8. Claire (10) - The good news for Claire is that she survived the block this week. But unfortunately, the numbers just aren't on her side. She needs to rack up somme competition wins in order to have a chance.
7. Alyssa (9) - Alyssa continues to fly under the radar in the post-Christian era. She won the roulette game by default this week, and unluckily got her top ally, Xavier, put on the block. I still don't see a path to victory, though.
6. Hannah (8) - There was brief conversation of Hannah going up as the replacement nominee this week, but Derek X. was the bigger threat. I still see her at the bottom of The Cookout alliance, so why not take a shot before it's too late?
5. Azah (6) - As one of two houseguests left in the game who have not been nominated, Azah continues to play a clean game. However, she has not won any competitions so far. That's fine right now, but as the numbers dwindle, that stat is going to start to matter.
4. Derek F. (5) - An underrated nugget to keep in mind is that Derek F. was actually nominated at one point in each of the last two weeks. He continues to have a strong social game, but the competitor side of him could use some work.
3. Kyland (3) - Our top three in this week's power rankings remain the same, and there is a big drop-off from these three to the remaining six, to be honest. Kyland was pretty much the HOH this week, as he got in SB's ear on which decisions to make. He has a pair of HOH's himself, setting up a solid resume.
2. Tiffany (2) - This week's HOH finally earned the right to utilize some power. I'd expect SB to be her top target this week, but from a long term perspective, she has a very strong chance to win this whole thing. She always seems to be one step ahead of everybody else.
1. Xavier (1) - The biggest adversity that Xavier has had to deal with in this game so far was the 24 hour solitary confinement punishment. Aside from an unlucky roulette spin, he has never been a consideration to be a nominee, and is always on the right side of the votes. He's still the favorite to win the $750,000 in my book.