
This Play Right Here Is Why Football Should Never Get Rid Of Onside Kicks

It seems like every offseason people start debating whether or not we should have onside kicks in football. Let me tell you something. First, we should go back to the old ways so there's an actual chance that someone can recover it. Second, this is why we should never get rid of them. I can't stop laughing at how bad this is. The announcer sounding underwater, the attempt to get excited and holding back just saying how bad it is. It's one of the worst onside kicks I've ever seen, up there with Nebraska. 

But this is exactly why we should never get rid of onside kicks. I want the disasters. I want the random touchdown returns - shout out Jason Sehorn. I'd put the clip here, but, thanks NFL. That said, the ball ending backwards here really makes it. Onside kicks should be electric because you have no idea what's going to happen. Does the ball stay inbounds, does it go 10 yards, does someone fumble it. Do we have a kicker like The Waterboy. 

Goddamn I'm so happy football is back.