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Andrew Luck, Noted Man Of Style And Culture, Is Here To Make Convertible Pants Fashionable Again

I wrote a blog back in March begging the masses to bring back convertible pants. They were quite possibly the most remarkable innovation the fashion industry had ever created. Cargo pants that with nothing more than a quick pull of a zipper were magically transformed into cargo shorts. The perfect article of clothing for those days with massive temperature fluctuations. Perfect in the spring when the mornings are brisk but the afternoons are warm enough to blast a little sun on those calves. Perfect in the late summer, early fall for those afternoons that are an absolute scorcher but cool off in the evening. 

They were a staple of efficiency, yet somehow they went by the wayside. Somewhere along the way, some ass hat decided that they weren't cool anymore so everybody stopped purchasing them. So they just went away and that was that. If convertible pants were ever to make a comeback, they'd need a hero. They'd need a man of culture, of class, of high fashion and high status to come in to save the day. 

Enter: Andrew Luck. 

MY GUY. Looking sharp!

Here’s the thing about Andrew Luck—he is unquestionably and undoubtedly cooler than you are. How many games have you been a starting QB in the NFL for? Heck, how many combined starts in the NFL have everybody who is reading this post right now accumulated? Most likely zero. Which then makes Andrew Luck significantly cooler than all of us combined

The point of which being that if Andrew Luck isn’t too cool to rock convertible pants in public in the year of our lord 2021, then neither is anybody else. So mark it down in the books, my friends. Convertible pants are officially back and they are here to stay this time. Ultimate style, ultimate comfort. Throw on an And1 graphic tee, maybe frost those tips and you’ll be ready to rock.
