This Is The Greatest High School Football Entrance I've Ever Seen. Byron HS Linemen Run Out Of A Hog Trailer
Welcome back, High School football. I love it. There is nothing more pure than High School football. I know this makes me a psychopath to a degree, but when the calendar turns to August I still get the itch like I should be getting ready for hockey and football season. Like Ray Liotta talking about baseball in Field Of Dreams. You just wake up with the smells and sounds of sports in your nose. I think no matter how old you get, and I am old now, you still miss those days. Waking up and immediately thinking about the game and getting chills. Wearing your jersey to school. Walking through the hallways you feel like fucking Superman in that jersey. Little head nods to your teammates walking to your next class where you pretend to focus on whatever bullshit the teacher is saying, but in reality you're just watching the clock tick closer and closer to kickoff. It's the best. It's so pure. Tom Allen talked about it on Redline Radio a few weeks ago and it got me so fired up
And now it is here for high school kids. I would never want to go back to HS, but I'd kill to run out of a hog trailer one time. You never get that pre-game feeling back in your life. I want to grab those kids faces like in Billy Madison and tell them to cherish it. When you're an adult and you make a big sale or come up with a great idea for work or sign a new feels good, but it's not the same. Not even close. Nothing feels like that in the real world. And that is coming from a guy who loves his job now and genuinely enjoyed my job before this.
So soak it in. Your season is here. This is why you lift all them weights. This is why you do all that shit. This is why you went through two-a-days in 110 degree heat. Cherish it. Play the game. Go out with the boys after. Come home at a decent hour, watch the highlights from around the state on CLTV, and go to bed because you've got to run and lift as a team in the morning.
AND...if your school has some sick tradition like running out of a hog trailer I want to see it. Send it over. We'll get it on the blog. This is the first submission we've had