
Can You Believe Tony Larussa Chewed Out A Rookie AGAIN?!?

Saw this pop up on my feed when I woke up this morning. Absolutely disgusting that TLR would chew up and spit out a rookie again. Didn't he learn his lesson from the Yermin situation last May? Because he should have. There is NO ROOM for a coach to coach in sports. Absolutely disgusting and if this happens again, I will chain myself to a statue in protest of Tony's job. I will want him fired so fucking hard his head spins

It's sad because people are actually making a big deal of this. It's just so exhausting. If you don't know why this interaction went down, let me explain quickly: it was a 1-0 game in the 6th inning. Sox up. Runner on 2B after a cheap fucking astroturf double, and Vladdy Jr. had a 3-0 count on him. 

Lynn piped a fastball which was hit for a single on said 3-0 count and it tied the game. All parties involved are to blame:

1. Tony shouldn't have left it in Zavala or Lynn's hands and just pointed to first for an intentional walk
2. Lynn shouldn't have thrown a ball anywhere near the strike if an intentional walk wasn't called. Fuck that at bat, get the next guy
3. Zavala should have called for a pitch 8 feet outside instead of trying to get the out and conceding to Lynn's bulldog mindset 

I don't know who has the most blame and it doesn't matter. The pitch shouldn't have been thrown anywhere near the plate if it wasn't going to be an intentional walk like it should have been in the first place. All parties are guilty. I don't care that Zavala is a rookie either; that's not some rookie mistake. That's a mistake I'd get pissed at if it happened in a HS game I was coaching. All three deserve some amount of blame and as for Tony chewing out Zavala after the inning? 

Giphy Images.

Any athlete who's played any level of decently competitive sports has gotten chewed out by a coach WAY worse. The fact that people are turning this molehill into a mountain makes me want to puke. It's a bunch of people that will have kids that high five their opponents as they round the bases after dropping a nuke on them. Quit being a bunch of crybabies. Zavala has gotten chewed out worse, Lynn won't make a dumb fucking pitch to a top 3-5 hitter in baseball like that in a 3-0 count again, and Tony won't make the mistake of leaving it in his players hands to pull a dumb move like that again. 

It's as simple as that. This ain't something worth talking about and the fact that I have to say this out loud on a blog is maddening. People are so goddamn soft.

PS - yes flip Hendriks and Kimbrel. Try it out. Turn Hendriks into the White Sox version of 2016 Andrew Miller and let Kimbrel have a clean 9th. Oh and we're close to having a full strength White Sox team to root for soon. Anderson and Grandal will both be back by Monday. The White Sox haven't had a full strength lineup ONE TIME this entire season. Not for one game. If they look like ass after those two are back, then ream them the fuck out for putting up stinkers like last night. That's what I'm waiting for and won't be judging this team until then.