
Rest In Peace Jimmy Hayes

There were rumors of this on the internet this morning. I was really hoping and praying it was a stupid internet hoax like we saw with Gerry McNamara a while ago. Buccigross confirms that this is the real thing and that Jimmy has passed away. Stunning and tragic. I have not yet seen reports about the cause of death, but that doesn't really matter right now. Two children lost their father. A wife lost her husband. And his family lost a brother, son, and cousin who was beloved. 

I was lucky enough to stumble into Jimmy's bachelor party in Chicago a few years back. Literally stumble as WSD and I had a night before meeting up with those guys. The Hayes brothers were always great to us. Jimmy was just one of those personalities you don't forget. I can't sit here and pretend that I knew him well, but he left an impression on me. Friendly, big body, bigger smile, and a guy who could make anyone laugh. The world is a little bit worse today than it was yesterday because Jimmy is no longer on this Earth. Sincerest prayers go out to the entire Hayes family. Nobody should lose their life at 31 and it felt like all of Jimmy's best days were truly ahead of him. RIP to a great one. Rest easy, Jimmy.