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Baseball Simply Isn't Fun

18 straight losses. 18 straight fucking losses. Now I wake up this morning and see this sort of shit. How the Orioles are so bad the MLB needs to change its tanking rules. This isn't the NBA and The Process. Give me a break. Look at this line from Rosenthal's story. 

“It sucks, man,” one Oriole said. “We’re totally overmatched with the schedule we play.”

What the fuck dude? You're major leaguers. You shouldn't be losing 18 in a row and be 38-85. Hell, we're not that far removed from when the Orioles led the AL in wins from 2012-16. That was fun. This? This isn't fun. Now I should preface I'm not a diehard baseball fan. I'm a diehard Orioles fan - so much my son's name is shaped because of this franchise. But I'm not tuning in to a Marlins-Pirates game or some shit like that. So sure baseball might be fun if you have Tatis, Ohtani, a winning record perhaps. But this? This isn't fun. This is miserable. Every day just waking up and seeing people get jokes off because of your franchise. It sucks. 

And, hey, I get it. It's all a cycle right? Like the Orioles right now have the 2nd best farm system in America, but that doesn't guarantee it's going to work out. That's the thing with baseball more than any other sport. You have to wait for this rebuild and guys going through the minors and when the clock starts and all that good stuff. You also can't just get one guy like we see in the NBA and all of a sudden be a decent team. Hell, look at the Angels and how much they sucked despite having the best player in the game in Trout. 

Yeah, winning cures all and everything but at least be competitive. I'm not asking for much. Can't be out here losing 18 straight and letting people get jokes off when you get announced for the 2022 Little League game. I can't keep watching 100 loss seasons and this will be the third in a row. I'm all for bettering your team, even if it's through tanking. This just isn't fun. This just sucks. It's so bad, we didn't even get a 'final' tweet from the Orioles. This is the only tweet from yesterday's game. 
