
Alex Rodriguez Tried To Interview Jose Ramirez While He Was Supposed To Be In The On-Deck Circle And It Wasn't Great

What are we doing here? How does this happen in todays game? You probably should check who you're interviewing before the inning and when he's going to be up next, it's pretty simple. In the bottom of the third in the Little League Classic Alex Rodriguez and Matt Vasgersian are attempting to chat with Jose Ramirez with Ahmed Rosario at the plate. They're asking him the softball questions and tossing him easy ones and you can see his teammates looking at him and they kind of seem annoyed? Probably because Ramirez is up after Rosario and supposed to be in the on-deck circle! 

This is stuff that would drive a manager crazy and have them spike the headset. Maybe some of the blame is on Ramriez too, but how does no one tell the producer that Ramirez is on-deck and can't be talking about the young talent on the club. I'd have loved to have seen Tito's reaction to this happening, looking onto the field trying to figure out who is up next and you look down the dugout and see Ramirez with the headset on, that's a good way to make sure no in-game interviews ever get done again. Wilson Ramos is right there like "uhh hello? You're on deck" and they kind of joke around and have Ramirez put the helmet over the headset. They end up just ripping him away and Ramirez goes into the on-deck circle without saying a word to A-Rod about his question. Matty V is having a grand old time with it. "HE'S GOTTA GO! HE'S ON DECK!", yeah we know dude. Maybe get out of his ear and let him do his job! Man I would have paid good money to hear or see a manager flip his shit if this happened in a game, but seriously how does that even happen?