
Led by League MVP "SIMP" - Atlanta FaZe Wins CoD Champs And A Cool $1.2 Million

Atlanta FaZe has by far and away been the most dominant team throughout this entire CDL season. Them winning CoD Champs solidified their dynasty and they'll be walking home with a cool $1.2M.

The roster features the 2-Time League MVP "Simp"

CoD Champs MVP "aBeZy"

Best hair in the CDL "Cellium"

And last but certainly not least, their veteran leader - "Arcitys"

How It Went Down

Format: Every match we've seen this far has been a best of 5 series. Today's matchup is a best of 9.

We put the MRags Mush to the ultimate test!


TJ and I were able to get Media passes for the day, so we started with making our way backstage.

After some of these shots, we made our way into the crowd for the teams to get announced (they were warming up previously as shown in the video before).

Then, the players hit the stage.


FaZe clan was by far and away the favorite today based off their entire season performance. But, they couldn't just coast their way to a victory because Ultra is NASTY and they came out hot by winning map 1.

We'll have more on Trevor later, don't worry. He's a maniac and a crowd favorite.

In this map 1, Simp was the performance everyone took notice from. He's the league MVP and he went almost triple negative (not good - triple negative means he had almost 3x as much deaths as kills, the average kills/death is 1).

But he bounced back in a huge way and FaZe took home the next three maps to make the series 3-1.


The intern will be fired after misspelling "dominated" - don't worry!


Then Ultra, when everything is going against them, after losing 3 maps in a row, they clutched up and steal map 5 from FaZe. They are by far and away the best team at not letting the moment get too big.

Series 3-2 and Ultra feels good after that one and they come out DOMINATING FaZe in the first two rounds of Control (control is best of 5). Out of nowhere, FaZe hit another gear and reverse sweep Ultra.

Series 4-2 an FaZe is one map away from winning CoD Champs.

Up next, Search and Destroy on Raid and Cammy had the clip of the century.


We end up going to a round 11 (the final round in Search and Destroy which means both teams are one round win away from winning the map). if FaZe wins this round, they win CoD Champs.

Ultra wasn't letting FaZe have an easy victory, as they clutched up and won round 11.


Series 4-3.

Up next, Hardpoint (King of the Hill) and FaZe would not be denied this time.


Atlanta FaZe will have a nice featuring in Verdansk as well.

Boy, I can't wait for next season of the CDL. Hope you guys enjoyed the CoD Champs coverage! It was an absolute blast and I also wanna give a huge shoutout to TJ for being my right hand man. 


If you want to read up on the full CoD Champs storyline and the $2.5M Call of Duty tournament, checkout the blogs below (they're in chronological order)
