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Bad: Alabama Man Gets Shot. Worse: By His Wife's Boyfriend Who Had Been Secretly Living In Their House

The Oregonian — An Alabama man was shot by his wife’s boyfriend, who was secretly living in the couple’s home, officials said.

The Mobile County Sheriff’s Office said the wife told her husband that an “intruder” was in their Creola home Sunday night and he armed himself with a gun, WPMI reported. The men shot each other and both went to the hospital, the news outlet reported.

The sheriff’s office said Michael Amacker, the wife’s boyfriend for over a year, had been living at the house shortly before the shooting, WALA reported.

“She had been allowing him to stay within the home for a couple of days, providing him food,” Mobile County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Paul Burch told WKRG. “There were bottles of urine in the room, which indicated he had been in there for a little while.”

The sheriff’s office hadn’t uncovered a motive for the wife telling her husband that Amacker was an intruder, WKRG reported. Investigators said she was too intoxicated to be interviewed after the shooting, the news outlet reported.

Boy, what a story to unpack here.

So this woman secretly has her boyfriend living in the same house as her and her husband for a long enough period of time that there are bottles of piss where he was living. I guess the first thing I want to know is if he was provided those bottles upon arrival or if he had to text her every time he needed a new one and she had to sneak down to the basement to get his a new piss receptacle. But that's beside the point.

My main takeaway here is not about the boyfriend. Sure, he's a weird loser and I don't understand why anyone would want to secretly live in the home of their girlfriend's husband, but you do you, brother. My concern is with the other guy, who is apparently the most oblivious gun owner of all-time.

All you ever hear about from people who own guns is how much they almost want someone to break into their house so they can exercise their constitutional right to self-defense. This guy had his wife's lover living under his nose for God knows how long and it took him getting shot first before he shot the other dude. I'm as big of a 2A defender as you'll find, but if you don't know when your wife has been hiding someone in your home who's been pissing in bottles, you can't have a gun. Sorry.

And then I don't even know what to say about this wackjob wife. I can't think of any logical defense for any one of the moves she made throughout this entire situation, particularly deciding to just let her armed husband know her armed boyfriend was living in their house and just seeing what would happen. Believe it or not, it didn't turn out well for anyone.

The boyfriend is currently in jail on charges of attempted murder and possession of a firearm with an altered serial number. At least he has a toilet now.