
Science Doesn't Lie: An Olympic Gold Medalist Says The Key To Explosive Power During Synchronized Swimming Is Having Sex

[Source] - Shishkina told Russian newspaper Sport Express: “I relied on the research of doctors and consulted with Denis, our doctor.

“The scientific community says that if you need explosive power, you have to have sex. 

She also claimed that having sex without orgasm before a competition can benefit those who need “muscle strength.”

“Sex without orgasm before the competition is suitable for those who need muscle strength to achieve the best results.

I'm not going to sit here and argue with science. She consulted with doctors! She's a three-time gold medalist! Put two and two together and it's simple. Having sex gives you explosive power while swimming. I'm assuming this only works for world class athletes though. Don't think I can convince my wife to have sex and then go compete in the 100m free. There's a zero percent chance I can do anything synchronized too like Alla Shishkina. That's just silly. Now it's starting to make sense why the Olympics are known as the biggest sex party every four years. People want explosive power like Mac cultivates mass.

How about the line of sex without orgasm before the event is those who need to ass muscle strength? That's for everyone who needs to feel better about not being awesome in bed. Just getting that muscle strength for our partners. I don't even know how that works, but again, I'm a blogger not a scientist. I'm just going to take their word for it and run with it. Basically the best way to live life when it can benefit you and use it as an excuse. You give me an excuse and buddy, I'm going to use it at all times. 


Now I gotta say something that really bothered me these Olympics. The 'Russian Olympic Committee.' Fuck that. Either Russia is suspended for consistently doping or not. You can't have a loophole. That's bullshit. This is a society, we have rules. I think any losses the US had to the ROC shouldn't count. I'm also going to work under the assumption that any crazy finish or someone who finished strong just had sex.