
Angel Hernandez Shocked The World Last Night And Decided to Be a Hero

Was it a PR stunt? Was it real? Have we been hoodwinked? I unfortunately don't have a concrete answer for you, but on the night of August 19th, 2021 it appears Angel Hernandez was a hero in Major League Baseball. In the bottom of the 8th inning during the Yankees victory over the Twins, Giancarlo Stanton ripped a line drive bullet homer just over the right field wall. No fault to his own, the Twins pitcher Albers asked for it with this 89 mph meat ball over the heart of the plate. 

The ball proceeded to bounce right off a poor kid's head, who fortunately was okay afterwards.

In all seriousness might need to investigate and see if he's immortal or something that thing was coming in hot.  After the half inning concluded, who but Angel Hernandez found it in him to make the right call and give the kid a ball for his misfortunes.

 Insane that the person who ended up with the original held onto the ball. All time ass clown move. For one night, Angel Hernandez was dubbed a hero. Was it real? Was it staged? I don't have an answer for you, but at least the kid ended up with a rightful souvenir. 

Yankees are riding high on a 7 game winning streak, 18 over .500. Full speed ahead. 

P.S. Please continue to play Giancarlo in the field. Good things happen at the plate when he's out there.