What the FUCK are we thinking here people??? Haven't we been warned about artificial intelligence enough? Apparently not. I mean, I don't think these robots cook, clean or do anything other than run around a gym. Like can they even felate me to completion? Can they do my job for me? Can they rattle off a bunch of horrifically unfunny movie plots that Adam Sandler will star in that will gross billions of dollars?
CAN THEY?!? Because if they can't stick to those things and those things only, then I am fucking OUT, and you should be too. That's the end of us as we know it, and the White Sox haven't even won the World Series yet this year. I've seen the Matrix like 1000x before. One day these robot fellows over here are doing box jumps like they're training for the NFL combine. The next day they're turning us into batteries and trying to hunt Keanu. Can't have it, won't have it.
Kill these robots with fire, or they'll kill you with fire first. That's a promise.