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This British Men's League Soccer Team Had a Full-On Double Decker Bus Parade to Celebrate Winning a Championship and the Scenes Are Unreal

Judas FC in London has officially set the standard for amateur sports celebrations going forward. When a men's league softball or basketball team wins a championship in this country, they might do what, head to Hooters for two beers and then go home? Well this English seven-a-side soccer team said to hell with that and went all in like they won the damn Premier League.

After winning the title, the team pitched in the £660 (about $900) to rent the double decker bus, a couple hundred more bucks for banners and then had themselves a hell of a day out on the town. Flares, drinking out of the trophies, letting everyone in London know they were the champs. This is how you do it.

Imagine walking home from work and you just see these certifiable mad lads coming down the road, chugging beers out of trophies and singing with red smoke trailing behind in their wake. Absolute scenes.

Celebrate your accomplishments, y'all. What's the point of competing in anything if you're not going to celebrate yourself when you reach the mountaintop? I love these guys. They get it.

Also, we need more flares in this country. Nothing like a good flare.