"The Crown" Has Made A Criminal Mistake In Casting Dominic West As Prince Charles For The Next Season
To be clear, this is not a knock on Dominic West. It's the exact opposite. Dominic West is ENTIRELY too handsome to be playing the role of "Older Prince Charles" on the next season of The Crown.
For those who need a reminder, here's Charles:
Come on. Putting aside the fact that Charles is a blood sucking monster piece of garbage, he just is NOT that handsome. It'd be like me insisting that Margot Robbie MUST play me in a movie, thinking we look just alike. We just do not. Dominic West is a brooding, sexy, handsome gentleman who will undoubtedly put on the performance of a lifetime. Unfortunately this performance will make us all forget how much of a complete fucking loser Charles is. Kind of like how Zac Efron was cast as TED BUNDY:
Should one of the most famous serial killers of all time been depicted as a total fucking smokeshow? Especially when he WASN'T?
Actually back to back there, Zac looks pretty close. SEE? Here I am thinking Ted Bundy is hot again!! Imagine what Dominic West is going to do for Charles. Are we suddenly supposed to forget he's a spoiled fucking brat? A cheater? A general dickhead? Possibly casually racist against his own grandson? Looks excuse a LOT of behavior. As much as I want to see Dominic heat up the screen with his chiseled face and mesmerizing voice, I can't condone the positive connotation it will bring to Charles. WE CAN'T FORGET. DIANA FOREVER.