
Max Scherzer Said "Don't Fucking Touch Me" To Dave Roberts After He Patted Him On The Butt

We all know Max Scherzer is a mad man. We've seen him scream and curse on the mound, freak out on his manager, we've seen it all. Well Dave Roberts learned the hard way that you can't touch Scherzer, like you don't touch him. He was mic'd up and doing an interview for half an inning on Sunday Night Baseball and told the story of how he found out that touching Max is a bad idea. Roberts says he went to tell Max good job after one of his first innings in his first start and he thought he heard Scherzer mumble "don't fucking touch me." The players had to tell Roberts not to touch Max when he's starting, should probably be in the scouting report if you ask me. So Roberts goes to talk to Mad Max after the start is over and had to ask him what he said to him. The fact that Scherzer told his boss not to fucking touch him but said he did it in the most tempered and respectful way is fantastic. Roberts goes on to say that if Max had a good start he wouldn't be touching him and would be staying away from him. 

So after Scherzer scores and is coming into the dugout you can see Dave Roberts going out of his way to move out of Scherzer's path. Doesn't say anything, doesn't try to congratulate him, doesn't even look at him. He saw the train on the tracks and wanted to get off. He wasn't going to get slapped or yelled at on national tv by his new pitcher. Roberts was staying way out of the way and it's hard to blame him.