
Payton Pritchard Took A Break From Dominating People In Vegas To Go Drop 92(!!!!) In A Portland Pro Am

Have yourself a summer Payton Pritchard! First, we saw this man completely dominate the Vegas Summer League. That's not hyperbole either. He ruined motherfuckers on the regular

so yesterday after watching the Summer Celts once again destroy another team by 20+ points, I started to see these tweets about Pritchard dropping 92. We know he left Vegas for a prior engagement that the team knew about and approved, but I didn't know it was a Pro Am. I thought maybe it was a typ0 in the tweets or something, but then the man himself started to RT it and put it on his IG story. I looked everywhere for the video and couldn't find a thing. Then I saw that video this morning and yup, it did in fact happen. 92 points is a lot of fucking points, I don't care if this was in a Pro Am or what. My question is at that point how do you not get 100? Once you get to 90 there should not be a shot coming from another player. That was unfortunate because while 92 is cool, 100 is another level. I'll say it again here the same way I did after Isaiah's 81 in Jamal Crawford's Pro Am. I don't care who it comes against, scoring that many points is impressive. 


Love that he still got his playmaking in as well, finishing tied for 2nd for the most assists. Lot of isolation basketball I imagine if a guy dropped 92 fucking points and the highest assist total was 6 but whatever. That's what Pro Ams are for. 

While you may be a little annoyed that Pritchard stepped away from the team just to play in the fake game, my question to you would be why? He already showed enough in Vegas. He was arguably the best goddamn player there. He's not going to stop playing basketball from now until training camp so I say let the man have some fun. I'm pretty sure anyone upset about Pritchard playing in this game couldn't drop 92 points just shooting by themselves in a gym, so anything that adds to the legend that is FastPP is cool with me. 

Call me crazy but between this and what Pritchard showed us in his 3 appearances during Summer League, it really feels like we're about to get a nice little Year 2 leap once the season rolls around. I don't have to explain how important that would be right? It'll be massive if it happens, and after a strong rookie season there's no reason to think it won't.