
One Company Is Paying the Tuition of Every BYU Football Walk-On and the Reveal Was Awesome

This is probably the coolest thing we've seen since the NCAA enabled athletes to make money off NIL sponsorships. Utah nutrition company Built Bar is paying the tuition of every walk-on football player at BYU.

And while it's obviously not quite a full scholarship and those players will still have some expenses, it's a hell of a lot better than having to shell out tuition money, too. But it does raise the question of what exactly scholarship limits mean in college sports now. Football teams are allowed 85 scholarships, but now businesses could essentially partner with the schools and athletes and have everyone on the equivalent of a full scholarship if they wanted to.

Some losers even think that's a bad thing.

More kids not having to go into potentially lifelong debt to play college football?! The horror.

But it will certainly be interesting to see how this plays out down the road. I'm still amazed every time one of these stories has come up how quickly we've gone from athletes not being able to make a dime to companies paying the tuition of all 36 walk-ons on a team. It's pretty remarkable.

However, this should be a test case for what scholarships mean going forward in college sports. Jay Bilas wants to get rid of them altogether, though I think that could definitely create a landscape where whatever parity is left in college football and basketball all but disappears completely.

But for now, 36 football players at BYU don't have to worry about tuition anymore and that's great.