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Have You Ever Felt Useless? Well At Least You'll Never Be As Useless As The Person Screaming "STOP" In The Middle Of A Fight

Looks like a couple of upstanding citizens got into a bit of a kerfuffle at the Atlanta Braves last night. From the amount of Karen you can smell through your computer or TV screen right now, it's hard to imagine that these two would allow their emotions to get the best of them instead of being able to contain them like rationale adults. But I guess when you've had a long day of yelling at 16-year--old waitresses at Golden Corral, your fuse is already pretty short by the time you get around to ordering your 7th Coors Light at the ballgame. 

Now while the two mutants rolling around on the floor like a couple of stale cigarettes is obviously entertaining, that's not the point of this blog here. The main character I want to focus on is who is presumably filming this ordeal. Or at the very least, someone behind the camera around the 6-second mark who must think they're god or something. Because nobody--and I mean NOBODY--thinks they are more powerful than the idiot who is screaming "STOP" during a fight as if everybody in that altercation is going to just magically put all their differences aside and listen to the moron in the back. 

At this point I think I hate the people who scream "stop" during a fight more than I hate the people who scream "world star". The "world star" people might be total dorks, but at least fights have ended up on World Star before because of it. I'd love to know how many times a fight has stopped dead in its tracks because somebody in the back who has nothing to do with the fight loudly demanded it to. I've honestly only ever seen it effectively work one time before, and that's when this hockey mom hopped on the ice to get these little snot nosed brats to stop punching each other in the helmet. 

That's a woman who knows how to wield her power. Nobody runs shit in an ice rink quite like a hockey mom. 

But an idiot behind the camera while a couple of Facebookers treat the concession stands like a UFC main event? Well the sheer audacity for you to think that screaming "stop" is going to have any impact on the outcome of that even is bewildering to say the least. A total and absolute lack of touch with reality. 

P.S. - I knew this wasn't Betty Ann's first rodeo when she went for this move. 
