
An Entourage Cast Member Caused The Worst Moment Of Josh Gad's Career & I Need To Know Who It Was

Ahhhhh. A good old fashioned who dun it. Few things better than that! We're talking Clue. We're talking Murder Mystery (Shoutout to the Sandman on a very underrated who dun it flick). We're talking Murder on the Orient Express. We're of course talking Knives Out. All classics that keep you on the edge of your seat. And now we have another mystery to solve. It doesn't involve murder, but it does involve some questionable actions in the "theater". Now I'm no broadway guy although I'm gonna assume having someone text in the first few rows can really throw you off your game. Some would even say a big "no-no" in the arts game.

So what Entourage actor could this have been? In his interview Josh Gad said it wasn't Jeremy Piven. He also just took Kevin Connolly out of the running, who he apparently loves and adores.

If we're talking basic cast members that leaves us with Jerry Ferrera, Kevin Dillon, and Adrian Grenier. I've run around Verdansk once or twice in my day with Jerry and can confidently say it wasn't him. He's a valiant soldier out there & I'd like to think that translates over to the theater. Kevin Dillon's been acting since the 80's. Can't be him. Would never be him. Seems like a man of honor. That leaves us with Adrian Grenier. Could he be the leading man for this?!? It's very possible unless it was a person with a smaller role.

Maybe Rex Lee? Maybe Scott Caan? Maybe Larry David (people forget he had an Entourage cameo)? Who knows. Alan Gray is my least favorite character though so I'm gonna say it was him just so I can sleep peacefully tonight. Thank you for your time. Hopefully the phone user comes clean soon!