
Kevin Durant Carried Team USA To The Gold Medal Then Promptly Hopped on IG Live To Talk His Shit


Talk that shit Kevin. You knew it was coming the second the clock hit 0.0. Kevin Durant, the best player on the planet and the king of USA Basketball heard all the slander. What happened with Team USA was typical hot take culture. They lost some games that didn't matter while not having their full team and as a result people were letting the takes fly as if this team wouldn't actually win the gold medal. You heard the man, the skill is unmatched. It's almost like people forgot that Kevin Durant exists. Nobody in the world is on that man's level. You can't guard him, you can only pray that he misses. Draymond in the background calling out Perk by name was great too. He didn't forget either and he's going to remind every last person

This is what makes living in this age so much fun. When you win a gold medal in the fashion that KD did by completely dominating the competition, you get to talk your shit and thankfully the technology exists to where we can get it immediately and unfiltered. Literally laughing with disgust that anyone would even consider putting Slovenia ahead of them. Simply cannot comprehend that you could even make the case that the world is catching up to the US. Come on man. We're still king and that's not changing anytime soon. Maybe some guys would let this stuff slide but no chance KD was going to be that guy. He'll never pass up an opportunity to talk his shit on the internet and I say good for him. He put Team USA on his back, he's arguably the best player ever to suit up for Team USA and I'll remind you he did just sign that $198M extension. I'd say things are going pretty well.