
Holy Shit It's Actually Happening - Messi Is Leaving Barcelona Because Of 'Economic And Structural Obstacles'

I can't stress this enough. Holy. Shit. It was always expected that Messi was going to leave at some point, but Messi also has a history of not staying to his word. Remember when he retired from the Argentina national team? That lasted about as long as Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian, with more fanfare though. Hell back in June it sounded like he agreed to an extension. (h/t ESPN)

Messi, 34, has been a free agent since his previous terms expired on June 30, but ESPN reported last month that a loose agreement over a five-year extension had been reached.

But even more than that, we have Messi apparently going full LeBron. 

Messi's camp were unavailable for comment when approached by ESPN, but sources close to the negotiations confirmed the forward is not completely satisfied with the squad which has been put together this summer.

How do you fuck this up if you're Barcelona? You have one of the two greatest players in the world who has been with you for nearly 20 years. Call me crazy but that's someone you should do whatever he wants to keep him happy. This would be like the Packers drafting a quarterback instead of helping out an all-time quarterback. Just imagine if that happened. 

If he doesn't think the roster is good enough start getting him to recruit. This is European soccer we're talking about here, you can't take it lightly. Hell, just think back to last year when the rumors broke that Messi was leaving. You think these fans are going to react differently now? 

I mean the only difference is Barcelona actually did get rid of Bartomeu. So hey, that worked. But now the question is where does Messi go? Obviously everyone is already assuming he's joining the Lakers Man City. How about coming to Tottenham for me one time Leo? There's an opening for you since someone is trying to force his way to Man City currently. Just saying ,you can come in and do whatever you want. Hell, go 50/50 split and play over here at FC Cincinnati. We have a pretty sick new stadium. Just beat Beckham at his own game. 


Just massive news. Second biggest news in the sports world today if you ask me. 

Also I cant' wait to see his next contract. Soccer money makes NBA money look poor. It's going to be insane.