
Kanye Is Just Live Streaming Himself Sleeping and Walking Around a Room as He Finishes 'DONDA'

Since late last night, Kanye West has been on a constant live stream from the room he's been living in at Mercedes-Benz Stadium as he finishes his latest album that's supposed to be released tonight.

Nothing Kanye does could possibly surprise me anymore, but even by his own standards, this is a new one. He's just chilling in this room with a camera trained on him the whole time. He's gone to sleep, woken up, lifted a few weights and pretty much done whatever he pleases as the world watches.

And if you had any doubt as to whether any of this was pre-recorded or anything like that, I think the view Kanye gave the camera when he woke up from his nap put any speculation of that nature to rest. It's definitely live.

I would love to think that Kanye actually goes home and is a totally normal dude who has to consistently come up with ways to top himself with new weird shit to do, but if that was actually the case, it wouldn't work nearly as well as it does. This is just him. And we eat it up every damn time.

I truly wonder what Kanye could ever do that people wouldn't pay good money to consume. Sure, he's sold $300 foam sandals, but now he's literally just sitting in a room and there are millions of people on pins and needles waiting to update his next move. It's insane.

We just want a good album. Hell, we just want an album that actually exists. And for some reason, I have convinced myself that living inside a glorified prison cell in the bowels of an NFL stadium for two weeks means this album is going to be his best one yet. I can just feel it.
