
John Tortorella Is About To Be So Frickin' Mean This NHL Season

Jeff Vinnick. Getty Images.

ESPN went out and assembled a roster of NHL broadcasters who are all…well…I'd say for the majority they are all neutral. I love guys like Ray Ferraro and Boosh. I think Barry Melrose and John Buccigross clearly have some personality. But for the most part, there really aren't any villains on the ESPN NHL broadcast roster. And without any villains, there would be no heroes. So despite how much you love a guy like Kevin Weekes, you don't have anybody to root for him against. Which makes it boring. If that makes sense. 

But it appears the lead villain role has finally been filled with Torts making his way to the studio this season. And by god, this man is about to be so aggressively mean. 

Just think back on Torts' career as a head coach. The one thing that really stands out is how much of a prick he was to the media. Now he is the media. Now he can say whatever he wants without having to worry about hurting player's poor little feelings and subsequently demanding a trade. Now he can say whatever he wants without having to worry about giving an opposing team some bulletin board material. He can just be a total prick with reckless abandon. It's going to be glorious. 

Also, we'll be able to start seeing some teams form here. Bringing Torts into the mix immediately makes a guy like Ryan Callahan, who has plenty of experience playing for and dealing with Torts, more interesting. 

Give me Torts, Callahan and Messier vs the goalies like Weekes, Boucher and Slick Rick DiPietro. Plenty of potential battles going down between periods. All thanks to Torts. 
