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Sydney McLaughlin Is Simply Too Damn Fast For The Rest Of The World To Try And Compete With Her


Did I expect the 400m hurdles for both guys and girls to be the best event at the Olympics? Nope, but here we are. The men's race was awesome - probably the best race in quite some time. 

Then it was followed up with Sydney McLaughlin being simply too damn fast for the rest of the world. It's not fair. Her teammate set a world record and still finished second. You could see it coming the entire time too. Sydney made the turn, flew by the one girl next to her and within a blink of an eye she was in the lead. Oh and she just happened to smash her own world record. Standard stuff in the Olympics for a 21-year old. Love how casual she was in the interview too. Yeah, iron sharpens iron but no one is touching us in a race. We're going 1-2 for as long as I decide, basically. 

I said it in a previous blog but it's absurd how easy she makes this look. I don't know how one gets THIS fast and this good at hurdles, but I'm glad it's someone who babysat my family members and then went to Kentucky. Easiest person for me to ever root for. Shout out Union Catholic for the watch party too. Way to get that screen time on the national stage. 

*Extreme Boobie Miles' uncle's voice from Friday Night Lights* AND SHE CAN JUGGLE

Kinda hilarious that she's 21 and she's still got like 3-4 more Olympics to break all these records. Good chance she goes down as a top-2 US women's track and field Olympian ever. 
