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OH. MY. GOD. - The Sit Down That America Has Waited For And Begged For Is Officially Happening

Finally, the Fab Five are seemingly getting back together as a group for the first time when Chris Webber gets introduced at the Hall of Fame. Fuck. Yes. Listen, the Fab Five is too cool and too damn important to not be hanging out together. I don't care about the dumbass reasons they have their banners taken down. It's time to put them back up. It's time for everyone to remember how important the Fab Five was to college basketball. From the black socks to baggy shorts to A+ shit talking to not giving a damn to losing in horrific fashion and then the breakup and fall out. It's still something we talk about 30 years later. So if it took a funeral for Jalen Rose and Chris Webber to realize they need to bury the hatchet and get the group back together, so be it. It's not too late. We can't keep having pictures like this. 

Andy Lyons. Getty Images.
Kevin C. Cox. Getty Images.

Can't have four of the five there - unless, you know, it's now during a Michigan game and Juwan is a little busy coaching. But that's the point. One of them is the head coach at their school. It should be a walking advertisement for the Fab Five. They should be together more than ever. 

Oh was there another sitdown that's been in the talks recently? One happening on the east coast too? I was unaware. Silly me with that title.