
Evan Fournier Is Officially Leaving The Celtics For The Knicks

Annnnnd there it is. We’d been waiting about 2 hours before we finally learned the fate of Evan Fournier and there it is. He’s out the door to a team in the division for 4/78. Good for him, that’s a hefty price and he got more guaranteed years than we know the Celts wanted to do. Can’t fault him for taking what’s probably his last chance at a legit payday. All in all the Celts had him for a cup of coffee which I wouldn’t exactly call ideal. It’s sucked that he came over and immediately got COVID, then in his only playoff run in Boston was missing 3 other starters. Now we’ll forever wonder what if.

Now that we know he’s gone, it’s fair to say the team did not get the most out of that Hayward TPE. I suppose it depends on maybe what else they bring in with Thompson’s 9M TPE but we’re still waiting on that trade to even be official. In looking at this roster, I get not wanting to lose flexibility for next summer, that’s what this entire offseason has been about. At the same time, I’m not sure how you replace Fournier’s production. We just saw how tough things were offensively after losing Hayward, now that lost Hayward-Lite and there’s no real clear path to a playmaking wing as a replacement. I for sure have concerns with the shooting/scoring if this offense. The Jays can only do so much. Brad has to find a way to add to that with what’s left on the market.

The Knicks were always a possibility, we heard the rumors last week and now it’s official. I’m not upset the Celts didn’t match the years, but I am concerned about how they replace it. There’s now even more pressure to make sure that 2022 cap space was worth it. That’s Brad’s problem to fix now