The Canadian Borders Are Opening Back Up & That Means 1 Thing & 1 Thing Only...Montreal!

Oh. Fuck. Yes.

In the last couple of years there have been 2 "vacation" destinations that I normally frequent multiple times a year and those 2 places are America's BEAUTIFUL playground in Atlantic City & the bar none greatest city our friends up North have to offer, Montreal! Since the pandemic began this has been the longest I've gone without going to either city since I was 18 and 21, respectively. I luckily get to go to Atlantic City this upcoming weekend for Sopranoscon so I can't wait to satisfy that (shocking) hunger because if we're being honest AC is a massive shit hole, but it's my massive shit hole. 

And now it's a great feeling knowing soon enough I will be able to satisfy my other hunger...the wonderful city of Montreal. And you may ask why I love Montreal so much, huh? It's an easy answer. The restaurants are 2nd to none- there's smoked meats, poutine, and everything in between. The arts in town are nothing short of amazing. The french-speaking aspect would rev anyone's engine. And that's pretty much it. It is most definitely not the awesome going out aspect they have over there with their numerous bars and clubs. And it's DEFINITELY not the strip club (not a shoutout to Club Downtown) & nuru massage venues. It really, really, really is not those either.

Just a great city for sophisticated guys like myself, is all. Can't wait to go back to check out the Montreal Botanical Garden & the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. I've heard only good things!