
Brandi Love is Kicked Out of a Conservative Students Event Just for Being a Porn Superstar

It's often been said that politics makes strange bedfellows. And that was never truer than this weekend when one of the biggest conventions for right wing conservatives included a woman who's famous for bedding a lot of fellows, adult film legend Brandi Love. And it went about as well as you'd expect. 

Daily Mail - A porn star was kicked out of a conservative event targeted at high schoolers after complaints from outraged parents. 

Brandi Love, 48, attended the 'Student Action Summit' with Turning Point USA in Tampa, Florida Saturday, and posed for photos in front of exhibits and a 'save America' tour bus.

But was suddenly kicked out after backlash from parents and Christian organizers. ...

[Charlie] Kirk founded the pro-Trump organization in 2012 when he was 18-years-old. He has served as TPUSA's executive director since. ...

Love initially arrived at the Tampa Convention Center as an enthusiastic VIP guest, posting numerous photos of herself on Twitter with the caption, 'It's good to be around so many young conservatives. Gives me some hope!'

But Christian conservatives immediately began criticizing her attendance on social media, slamming the organization's decision to allow an adult film star to attend an event targeted at 15 and 16-year-olds. 

Many complained Love's presence clashed with conservative values, while others pointed out that minors were in attendance.

Lewd. Lascivious. Salacious. Outrageous. Worse than that, it's simply impolite to present porn star Brandi Love with a VIP pass to your convention, only to boot her out for being porn star Brandi Love. 

While I probably should know better than to bring politics into a discussion about a political conference, isn't the right the ones who are all supposed to be about Free Speech and pushing back against cancel culture? Speech doesn't get any freer than the way Brandi Love does it. Her right to express herself by getting London Bridged by two guys and your right to watch said expression is exactly what our nation's founders had in mind when they wrote the First Amendment. (At least it's what Ben Franklin was thinking; he was an absolute dog.) At the very least the organizers of Turning Point USA could've had a free and open dialogue with Brandi and heard what she had to say, instead of showing her the door like she was Hillary Clinton or someone. It would've been good for these high school kids. Instead it's wasted opportunity for a teachable moment.

What's more, having someone like her as part of your event is just good for business. If you're trying to grow a movement, who better than a high profile, unabashed conservative who was promoting the convention to her 850,000 Twitter followers and who knows how many Only Fans? The right is always complaining about how the entertainment industry is all far left liberals. Well here's a bona fide movie star in their presence and they reject her, which makes no sense. Plus, at 48 years old, she's got appeal for the older demographic who tend to be more politically active. Her presence would teach kids respect for the older generation. And judging by the post on @BBCHub I found when I was Twitter searching her name - which I will NOT link here - she has a very strong following among people of color. You'd think TPUSA would be thrilled to have someone with Brandi's universal crossover appeal, not have security show her the door like some common criminal. 

Besides, if Charlie Kirk founded this thing because he's a Donald Trump fan, then it's the height of hypocrisy to reject a woman just for being in the adult film industry. The Donald was on the cover of Playboy and no stranger to porn stars. I'm sure if he were there, the only door he would've been showing Brandi Love to would be the one into his limo. 

Not to mention, I'm pretty sure she was the inspiration for Brandi Maxx. And that alone makes her someone you want on your side. (Cued up to the 1:00 mark.)


If a movement doesn't have room for someone like this talented artist, can it really be worth getting involved in?