
Yeah, It's Safe To Say England Fans Are Going Fucking Bonkers All Night After Beating Germany

Does England still have a few more games to win for this to matter? Absolutely. Do they care? Fuck no. It looks awesome there too. You can't deny it no matter how much you want to. England going bonkers for beating Germany has me jealous. It has me ready for college football season. I want nothing more than to be celebrating a win where you're clenching your ass for the entire game. Those are the best. Blowouts are awesome because you know you're going to win, but something close and getting a late score? Those are the best. 

That said, I can't stop laughing at Boris Johnson watching the game on a Michael Scott-esque TV. 


Who needs a chair? Get the closest table and lean in. Ideal way to watch a game. But back to the fans going nuts. There's something about this game being in Wembley that felt unfair and perfect at the same time. The whole 'it's coming home.' Yeah, obviously I don't want England to win. I'd love to see them get their hearts ripped out by Italy ideally. But you can't deny atmospheres at an event like this is just better when you have people going bonkers all over the place. 

Pray for Jetski and Troopz tonight.