
Good Job Good Effort: NFL Releases A "Football Is Gay" Video In Honor Of Pride Month

Source - The NFL is making it clear it stands firmly with the LGBTQ+ community ... releasing a powerful video Monday that featured the message, "Football is gay."

The clip, which is 30 seconds in length, added, "Football is lesbian. Football is beautiful. Football is queer. Football is life."

The messages didn't stop there ... they even went on to say, "Football is transgender" and "Football is bisexual" -- before the video ended with, "Football is for everyone."

A league spokesperson confirmed to Outsports on Monday the video was a direct response to Las Vegas Raiders pass-rusher Carl Nassib announcing he's gay last week.

The Video: 

I'm not going to lie, I laughed out loud when I saw the title of that video. "Football Is Gay" is arguably the most football way possible for the NFL to say they're okay with gay people. I commend them for the effort, but still, they may as well have titled the video, "it's cool if you're gay just don't hit on me, bro." 

Here's what they had to say...

"I am proud of the clear message this spot sends to the NFL’s LGBTQ+ fans: This game is unquestionably for you," another rep for the league, NFL diversity director Sam Rapoport, added to Outsports. "I will be playing its first line over and over in my head all season."

I'm sure you will, Sam. I'm sure you will. The good news is, this is the first time the NFL has really put an effort into doing anything Pride related so at least there's that. That said, I'd still be mortified if I was Carl Nassib. The poor guy JUST came out, was thrust into the national spotlight, and now his employer is dropping "football is gay" videos right in his face. Way to make him feel comfortable! Hang in there, Carl. I promise things will get better. If you've have a few dollars to spare I highly recommend donating to the The Trevor Project that was mentioned in the video. They do a ton of great work for LGBTQ youth. Alright that's it for this one.