
Upset Of The Century - Skip Bayless Went On A Rant Blaming The Clippers Loss On A Conspiracy Theory And, Of Course, LeBron

In the same breath and Twitter rant, Skip somehow goes from blaming the refs and a conspiracy theory to bashing LeBron. This is what I assume art looks like in Twitter form. Say what you want about Skip, but the man knows how to preach. You think he was going to let the Suns skate on through without taking a shot at LeBron? No sir. Not this Skip. 

It's honestly impressive how he went from complimenting Paul George to bashing LeBron. Just straight up saying how the Clippers were lucky they had Paul George. He had 9 clutch points! NINE. But, obviously, we're talking Paul George. He couldn't complete the game which matters. 


As much as I love to make fun of Skip and we all do, I'm a sucker for a conspiracy theory. Guess who got the tin foil hat on now? Guess who is listening to our Macrodosing podcast wondering if Skip is proving a point? This guy. I fucking love sports conspiracy theories. It's why I love the Draft Lottery. Is it a stupid idea? Absolutely. Does it give us something to talk about and hear all these conspiracy theories? Yep. Now Skip is giving us that with the Suns and Clippers. Oh no Kawhi? Guess what pal? The Clippers are cooked. Clearly the NBA has zero desire for the second LA team to be in the Finals. 

PS: Fucking burn with George Paul