
Shaq Says Ben Simmons Is Lucky They Aren't Teammates Because Shaq Would Have 'Knocked His Ass Out In The Locker Room'

You know what? I believe Shaq. Mostly because Kenny Smith just randomly dropped 'I know, I've heard the stories' and Shaq's only response is what. That shows me that Shaq had beat up at least a solid 3-4 people and those stories weren't supposed to leave the circle. Kenny Smith forgot he was on TV plain and simple. 

So consider Ben Simmons lucky. Shaq would have knocked his ass out which is a bit shocking. Ben Simmons is opposite of Kobe who Shaq never loved playing with. Kobe took all the shots. Ben takes zero of the shots. He won't even take a shot at the rim! 

Here's the truth though. The Process is dead. It's the biggest failure in NBA history. We can talk about the NBA's involvement and Colangelo vs Hinke. But the fact is The Process became this version of the Sixers. The Process was set up around Simmons/Joel/Fultz. They never made a Finals. They look like they can't win with either of these guys as a number 1. They can't even trade Simmons because he's on the books for $140 million. They fucked up by digging their heels in the sand believing in the Process and not getting Harden. The strategy of tanking didn't fail. The Process failed. Two completely different things there. There's also no other way to put it. Look at where the Sixers are now. You have Doc Rivers and Joel Embiid throwing Simmons under the bus: 

But now all I can think about is Shaq playing the role of Embiid here. Imagine the quotes and stories we'd get. No doubt in my mind Shaq would try to knock his ass out. That's a giant human being to piss off and say what you will, he's going to win 99% of fights. Hit the music!