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Ben Simmons Is No Longer Welcome In The City of Brotherly Love

No one, and I mean no one, has ever called another human being a “crumb bum” with as much vitriol as this man had in his heart for Ben Simmons. The stomped that jersey out so violently the women and children nearby were running in terror for the hills.

But the most important detail I gathered from this rant is how everyone here is on the same page when it comes to Ricky Kanga-Rubio. There’s a time where that “Shut up!” “Fuck you, pussy!” exchange would’ve ended in fisticuffs. But not tonight. Because that wasn’t a disagreement at all. Those were two humans sharing the same brain, having the same thoughts, in complete agreement and didn’t want to hear it from fucking  anyone else. That guy saying shut up wasn’t to argue the yelling phone man’s claims, rather just keep them inside where you can bury those feelings deep within the recesses of your soul. You know, where you put those bad feelings that only come out in the shower or right before you’re about to fall asleep. That’s where those thoughts about the crumb bum belong.