
Freddy Galvis Needs To Retire From Society After Getting Picked Up And Carried Off The Field By Vladdy Jr. Like a Child

Vladdy Jr. has taken the baseball world by storm this year by putting virtually every baseball he comes into contact with out of orbit. He's neck and neck with Shohei Ohtani in the MVP race, but I think tossing a guy out of the club by actually lifting him off both his feet gives him the nod at this very moment.  This is MVP shit. 

Vladdy Jr. basically said that's enough out of you like that was his 4 year old child throwing a fit in a McDonalds play place.  I cannot think of a more demoralizing thing to happen to an athlete. It's one thing to give up a bomb or strike out looking silly, but to be a 31 year old adult man and get carried off the field like that by a 22 year old? You can't come back from that. At that point Freddy has to forget about his future plans with life, go back to the dugout, grab a bat, and go back at Vladdy. Can't just be carried off the field and call it a day. I'm not leaving that field unless it's in a body bag or handcuffs. 

The way I see it, Galvis has one option here. You have to call it a career and become a recluse. Retire from society and just live out your remaining days in the confines of your home. Freddy Galvis has put together a nice little 10 year career in the bigs, but it's time to say good bye. Vladdy said so. 

P.S. For anyone curious how the benches were cleared in the first place, Manoah gave up 2 homers and then hit Franco up and in. Stupid shit.