
Everyone Take Deep Breaths, Jacob deGrom Left Tonight's Game With Right Shoulder Soreness

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What the fuuuuuuuuuuuck man? I know Jake always has his little aches that leads to a brief IL stint and another MPH on his fastball. But I am officially starting to get worried now. Lat soreness and flexor tendonitis don't worry me as much because I don't know what the hell they are. But once you start throwing the S word around, I don't like it one bit, even though Jake striking out EIGHT of the first nine guys he faced and driving in a run for good measure. Tonight felt like one of those special nights where Citi Field went from a party to a morgue in a half inning flat.

I'm not sure why the Baseball Gods decided to bless Jacob deGrom with this magical season only to have some speed bumps knock him out along the way and to be honest I don't care. I'll blame whatever curse that was placed on the Mets back in 1962. 

So now we wait for the results of whatever tests Mets doctors are giving the most important right shoulder in baseball. It truly sucks that there is always this black cloud hanging above every deGrom start now. It was the Mets giving away his games and now it's his right side issues, which make a bad offense and bullpen seem like a cakewalk. I wasn't even fully hyped about tonight because I was worried about it being his first game since leaving early last week. Here's to hoping everything comes back clean and they give him as much time to rest as he needs. This may be a brutal stretch of games for the Mets, but if we don't have deGrom back snatching souls fully healthy, none of this will be worth it.

However if any team is built to overcome adversity and never say die, it's this team. LFGM. We are still on the Road to 96 no matter who is on the 25 man roster. It's the Summer of Churve.


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And now we pray. It's all hands on deck Mets fans. If you have a good luck charm or food or thing you do, break it out now as Jake gets checked out