
Pray For The Atlanta Hawks Because The Sixers May Not Leave Any Survivors

This. This. This. This. THIS. 

Enough is enough. The Sixers blew the second game of this series game to a slightly above average team. They now go back to Philadelphia to redeem themselves and you better fucking believe this team will be taking no prisoners. 

No more blowing 18 point leads. No more (almost) MVP's of the league going 0-12 in the second half. No more playing grab ass with the ball and turning it over in the final minutes. NO MORE. 

Whatever the line is on Wednesday, it should be tripled. They're simply too good of a team to keep fucking around with these Birds. The Sixers will be coming for all the blood. 

PS - Cheers to Big T for remembering the Atlanta Hawks were in the Eastern Conference Semifinals for Game 1 and Game 4, only. Good for him.