Gaming Is All I Have - We've All Felt This Before
There's no other way for me to say this - This one cut deep. I felt his pain in my soul. Whether you're a hardcore gamer that wears a headband or someone that casually likes to game every now and then, we've all felt this *to a degree.*
Right when I see this video I immediately think of the following scenario - you're a teenager playing a Madden game online during a weekday. You just get a pick 6 to take the lead as the 3rd quarter is ending. You've been on a losing streak all week and you're finally about to break it. Nothing can stop you at this point, you're in total control.
It's around 6pm and you hear the dreaded call, "DINNER IS READY," coming from downstairs. Immediately, you know you're in trouble. No matter how many times you explain it, your parents will never understand that you can't pause an online game for half an hour. You decide to try to play it out and chew clock. Hoping you can sneak out this win. There's 4 minutes left on the clock.
Then, you hear footsteps approaching and you know the clock is about to strike midnight on your Cinderella story. The door swings open, "I called you down for dinner, pause the game NOW." You scramble for an excuse and before you know it, your Xbox is unplugged. Pain. You proceed to eat your green peas in misery at the kitchen table knowing you left a game slip through your grasp.
Even though it's all you do, sometimes gaming is all you have.
One day, I imagine a world where parents will understand that you simply can't pause an online game.
Here's a compilation of people I've killed in Warzone that felt this pain to their core: