
UPDATE: The Scumbag That Spit At Trae Young Last Night Has Been Banned From Madison Square Garden Indefinitely

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Would you look at that. Not only are the New York Knicks winning playoff games but they are also banning fans from Madison Square Garden who actually deserve it! We are truly living in the strangest of times. 

I had no doubt in my mind that James Dolan would be able to track down the spitter along with any evidence of spitting since I imagine Madison Square Garden has more cameras than a casino to track down people who would chant "Sell the team". But playing judge, jury, and executioner in roughly 12 hours after the loogie was launched is impressive for a franchise that is notorious for fucking up even the most basic of decisions.

Speaking of decisions, this fan got lucky that he just misses out on experiencing any of the many future awesome Knicks moments in person since Trae has decided not to press charges.

Trae Young has gotten a ton of shit from Knicks fans and will get a ton more before this season is over. But that's a pretty solid move that I honestly don't know if I would do if some scumbag spit at me. I still think that 50 Cent should be allowed to kick this guy's ass, or if Fiddy has mellowed with age he should at least have a chance to roast this douchebag like he roasted Floyd Mayweather Jr. once upon a time.


The Garden should be a zoo for Game 5, but I plead to anybody going to the game to stick to cheering, chanting, and/or releasing pigeons instead of hitting a player with an item or bodily fluid (Replace Cleveland with Philadelphia and Cincinnati with New York).

P.S. Okay, I laughed

For those of you that are allowed to go to Madison Square Garden, make sure to get your shirts now for what is hopefully a deeeep playoff run. Except for the scumbag that spit at Trae. I have banned you from the Barstool Store forever.

