LeBron James Is Now Demanding The League Reveal The Identity Of The Guy Who Threw Popcorn At Russell Westbrook
He can't be serious, right? He wants the identity of the guy who dumped popcorn on Russell Westbrook to be revealed?! So he can what? Hit him? Ruin his life? Get him fired from his job? Gimme a break. I'm sure he's already ban from the arena what more do you want? Also, I love how he says, "we as the players" like he speaks for everyone. Newsflash: No one gives a shit about this incident anymore. Not even the players. In fact, I'm sure some of them probably liked it. Here's video of what happened for those of you who didn't see...
Shitty, yes. Worth blowing up into a huge thing? Absolutely not. The playoffs are here, it's time to move on. Speaking of playoffs, if you place a $250 bet in the Barstool 500 section of the Barstool exclusives (on the Barstool Sportsbook), you get a FREE ticket to the Diplo x MGK concert tomorrow night. Oh and it's an open bar. Biggest no brainer of all time. I'm taking Heat +1.5 because I just can't see them losing at home after being down 0-2. But what do I know? I'm just a blogger…