Blake Wheeler Says He Does Not Give A Shit About His Own Testicles After Taking A Slapshot To The Balls
This is the type of moment and quote that can lead to a Stanley Cup run. No gas. Blake Wheeler wants a Cup so badly that he is willing to sacrifice his balls to the Hockey Gods. I mean look at this shot block
You always here the expression "I'd give my left nut for ______". Blake is in a barter system with the Gods at this point. He has been chasing this thing for a while. He has upped his offer to both nuts. He's got his family. His generations are in order. What in the fuck does he need testicles for at this point. He's throwing his big ole balls right in the way of vulcanized rubber going 90mph from point blank range. Shooting blanks the rest of his life and happy to do it. That's the hockey difference. Guys will do fucking anything this time of year. All-time quote from Wheeler to show it.
I am a BIG moron and I've been basically wrong every night of these entire playoffs, but now I think the Jets have the goods to win the Canadian division. They've got the big bodies. They've got the speed. They've got the goaltending. They've got their captain putting his fucking nuts on the alter and handing them over for the cause. You can't beat that kind of mojo. The fans should just storm the building so they can watch the next round vs Toronto in person with their whiteout. Need that this year.