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Shohei Ohtani Had Another Insane Hustle Double And Is Officially The Fastest Person Ever

He did it again, folks. Shohei Ohtani is making this a regular thing now, poking a ball through the infield and instead of not even thinking about 2 and stopping at first, he's motoring around and getting a double where the ball doesn't even go 200 feet. This is a dribbler through the infield, bounces 3-4 times and just sneaks by the infield. 99.9% of players are unstrapping their batting gloves before they get to first and are cool with waiting it out there. Ohtani doesn't. He knows the ball wasn't hit hard and it'll take the right fielder a decent amount of time to get there, so he turns on the jets. Hustle, thats all it is. Well it's hustle combined with the fact that he runs like a cheetah and takes advantage of the defenders napping. He does this regularly now, it's amazing. People will shit on it and say "tHiS iS wHaT yOu'Re SuPpOsEd To Do", yeah this is the ideal situation of every high school coach. Players in MLB don't hustle on every play, they don't give 110%. Their season is such a grind some guys can't afford to bust a hammy turning first trying to stretch a single into a double, it's not worth it to a lot of people to be out 4-6 weeks just trying to get a double. It's just crazy to me how he keeps doing this and defenders are still lallygagging to the ball when he hits it. He's going to take the extra base on you, he's not like normal MLB players.