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Ohio State Football With Another Viral Prank Video, Their Offseason Is Getting A Little Too Wacky For Me

So does Ohio State football practice anymore orrrrrr do they just make elaborate prank videos? Last week it was the dummy-

Now we’re popping out of trash cans and shit. Trying to scare the towels off beefy lineman.

Has anybody around there noticed they’re kind of in a high pressure preseason here and maybe the focus needs to be more on PLAYS than PRANKS?

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On staying away from drugs and focusing on academics before the season gets flushed down the drain?

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Na I’m just kidding. That was my 75 year old crotchety sports writer who hates the world ever since the internet was invented and people stopped buying newspapers* impression. Somebody is definitely filing that exact story with their editor right now…well, in 3-4 days when they hear about this video and look up in the dictionary what YouTube is…about these young kids and their damn prank videos. Love the Buckeyes keeping things loose and blowing off some steam, my only issue is the pranks just aren’t very good. Let’s step it up on that front. Popping out of trash can videos have been all downhill since the Halloween one which I’m pretty sure was like the 12th video ever uploaded to the internet.

*Also, probably Urban Meyer. Dude seems like the epitome of the Fun Police.