Former Head of the Pentagon's UFO Program Says the US is in Possession of 'Exotic Materials' from the Craft
Daily Star - The former head of the Pentagon’s infamous UFO programme has claimed the US government is in possession of “exotic material” from mysterious vehicles.
Luis Elizondo ran the Advanced Aerospace Thread Identification Program (AATIP) from 2007 until 2012, with its sole purpose of studying unidentified objects in our skies. ...
He said he “believed it was true” that there is physical evidence of the existence of UFOs and called on the US government to be “more transparent” about it.
Host Tucker Carlson then asked Luis: “Is there debris or materials from any of these vehicles?”
He replied: “The United States government is in possession of exotic material and I’ll leave it at that.
“More analysis needs to be done. There is enough uniqueness about it where it requires additional analysis and additional expertise and thankfully there are pockets in the US government that are willing to have the conversation and conduct the analysis."
So Luis Elizondo, the former head of a Pentagon program that was charged with looking into Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, says the government is in possession of "exotic materials" from the same vehicles that until recently it claimed didn't exist. And he ought to know, since that same government used to claim that same program didn't exist. Even as they pour millions into it and gave a bright, competent professional like Elizondo the responsibility of finding answers to this issue they were officially calling a big nothingburger. Got it.
So, if there are any UFO skeptics left, what do you make of this? We've got "pockets" in the federal government applying their "expertise" to figure out what these substances are. And so far they haven't been able. So what do the non-believers think these are? Space age polymers? WD-40? Flex Seal? I Can't Believe It's Not Butter? Infinity Stones? Vibranium? Unobtanium? Happy Fun Ball?
The fact is, assuming our researchers can figure out the atomic and chemical structure of these "exotic materials" and learn how they're made, what they do, and how to replicate them, it wouldn't even be the first time.
As every UFOlogist learns from childhood, noted whistleblower Bob Lazar, who worked at Area 51 focused on reverse engineering UAPs propulsion systems, started talking about a material referred to as Element 115 as far back as 1989. And he got publicly hammered as a crackpot because no such element was known to exist. Until recently. When it was created in a lab, named "Moscovium" and added to the Periodic Table by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
So yeah, you're damned right the government is secretly working on materials of unknown origin. Ones that are more exotic than even America's quirkiest, imprisoned, redneck tiger preserve owner. (Forgive me the 2020 reference. I've got to update my pop culture awareness.) And have been at least since the Roswell Crash of the late 1940s. Which other whistleblowers have previously said are responsible for advances in our technology as diverse as the microchip, fiber optics and night vision. Just to name a few.
Hopefully whatever these materials Elizondo is talking about will reveal the true nature of these craft and why they're here. Or at the very least make my golf shots longer and straighter. But for now, his coming forward gets us one tiny step closer to the truth. And for that at least, as we count down to the day when the government finally reveals everything they know, that will have to do.